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Kate Andersen

For as long as I can remember, I had been pissed off and unhappy.  I was living my life just going through the motions.  A successful career.  Friends and family who loved me.  An amazing husband.  A beautiful home. So what the hell was my problem?  Overweight.  Depressed.  Binge drinker.  Food addict.  Hopeless and destined to live this way forever, right?!


August 2021 was a pivotal time for me.  At 41, I had to have a hysterectomy and oophorectomy which thrust me into menopause.  With that came awful mood swings, hot flashes, more weight gain, insomnia, and a host of other issues.  Fun, right?!  I had hit my breaking point.  I knew something had to change, but I wasn’t sure how to do it.  Sure I knew how to diet - I had been doing it my entire adult life.  I was really good at it, for a few weeks at a time.  In reality, all I had mastered was how to budget my calories to allow for a few extra vodka and waters while still managing to lose weight.  And then ultimately failing the diet de jour.    


As a recovering food addict, I now know my story is all too familiar for others.  So what does food addiction look like on the other side?  Here I am!!  Happy.  Healthy.  Thriving.  And while I still get to work on myself every day, I am excited for this new life I have created for myself.  I hope that by reading my story and following along with me, you’ll see that it’s possible for you too.  You are not alone, and this life can be anything you want it to be.

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